Ask someone: “What makes you happy?”

They might answer something like:

“Taking a hot bath!”

“Going to a party with my friends!”

“Getting a massage!”

“Eating a good meal!”

“Having 5,000 guests at my wedding!”

“Smoking a cigarette!”

Interesting, how often pleasure is mistaken for happiness.

So, what is happiness, really?

Not worrying about anything, is happiness.

Serving others without expecting anything in return, is happiness.

Taking responsibility, is happiness.

Seeing every problem as a chance to improve myself, is happiness.

Not comparing myself with others, but rather comparing myself today with how I was yesterday, is happiness.

Accepting everything for what it is, is happiness.

Taking my time, is happiness.

Peace of mind, is happiness.

Being free, is happiness.

There is only one way to be happy, and that is by giving. You may give your time, expertise, attention, wisdom, money, consideration… anything.

Giving is the source of happiness.