In an entrepreneur forum, someone posted this question:

“How to make $30 Million in 3 years?”

I answered:

Asking this kind of question implies the “Deferred Life” mentality, meaning “Right now I’m not happy with what I am doing, and I hope that someday, if I have a gazillion dollars in the bank, I will finally be able to do what I like to do”.

This is living in the future instead of the present. This is what most people do: planning, and waiting for “retirement”, this magic time when we might finally be happy after a lifetime of hope.

Instead, if you have the “Whole Life” mentality, you intuitively choose to do something that you enjoy and that you are good at, that brings value to others, and that makes you happy. Incidentally (or not), since what you do has value, you also make all the money you need.

It is much better to regret things you’ve done, than regret things you haven’t done.

Of course, there are challenges everywhere, no matter what you do. That’s life. But overall, you are happy NOW and FOR SURE, instead of LATER and MAYBE.

It’s not money that you are chasing, it’s happiness.

Success is the continuing expansion of happiness. It’s about money, but also about health, emotional stability, clarity of vision, fulfilling relationships, fun activities, peace of mind, and a sense of contribution.